The Lemon Bay Band Boosters, Inc. is an IRS certified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that exists to support the activities of the Lemon Bay High School Band programs.
All parents of the students enrolled in the band programs are automatically members of the Band Boosters.
**The Band Boosters meet the second Monday of every month at 7PM in the Band Room unless otherwise noted on our band calendar.**
All parents are encouraged to attend and get involved. Attending the meetings are the best way to stay informed on the plans and activities of the various band programs and their schedules.
The Lemon Bay Band Boosters perform a wide variety of activities in support of the music and guard programs, including constructing props, maintaining facilities and equipment, travel and transportation, volunteer coordination and fundraising.
For more information please contact us at [email protected]
All parents of the students enrolled in the band programs are automatically members of the Band Boosters.
**The Band Boosters meet the second Monday of every month at 7PM in the Band Room unless otherwise noted on our band calendar.**
All parents are encouraged to attend and get involved. Attending the meetings are the best way to stay informed on the plans and activities of the various band programs and their schedules.
The Lemon Bay Band Boosters perform a wide variety of activities in support of the music and guard programs, including constructing props, maintaining facilities and equipment, travel and transportation, volunteer coordination and fundraising.
For more information please contact us at [email protected]